Smart Organogram

It is not easy for organizations, especially for large and complex organizations; to make the tough choices.
Always say, we need a flat organization with less layer; However, in reality did it happen for your organization?
Using fewer resources than earlier to make a lean organization is as usual practice. Did you know, organization can be more leaned through optimizing reporting relationship? – A value addition.
How multiple SBUs can get optimum service from common /shared functions? A big demand for synergy.
A fundamental challenge for CEO and CHRO, centering on new economic conditions.
Also, challenges remain with establishing direct report, indirect report, direct/solid reporting line, indirect/ dotted reporting line and matrix reporting line in the same organogram, Here we are!
Optimizing “levers of control” in the organogram can make your organization lean, flat, nimble & innovative; certainly!
Smart Organogram – designing a lean, flat, nimble, innovative & rightsized organization
Before beginning the process of designing organization, intelligent organizations always strive to design their thinking.

Smart organization always thrives to use fundamentals in organogram/ organizational structure to get its mapping right. Following the scope of this proposed service, the organization can anticipate the following areas where we will collaboratively implement your organogram/ organizational structure:
Following the reporting structure of this service, the organization can anticipate the following reporting structure where we will collaboratively implement to make your organization as lean, flat, nimble and innovative.

An organizational structure/ organogram is typically a simple piece of paper that is used less frequently in most organizations. After linking organogram to the strategic areas of the organization, it will be used as an input to financial success. And we will collaborate here.

Intelligent organizations usually make an effort to keep pandemics and recessions in mind when structuring their organizations.

Intelligent organizations always work to integrate an adaptive leadership style when constructing their organizational structure.

Following the prerequisite of this service:
- Job Analysis & Design
- Role Profiling
We will collaboratively implement your smart & rightsized organization through actionable tools, insights and advice. And we will make certain that your headcount is appropriately sized for the volume of current and anticipated business.
Talent Forum collaborates on HR consultancy projects for clients managed by an international consulting firm.
We worked with/delivered consultancy results in FMCG, Telecom, Banking, MFS, Pharmaceuticals, e-Commerce & Logistics, Development, Leather, Food, Textile, RMG, RMG Accessories, Technology, Construction & Building Materials, Conglomerates, Property & Hospital, Consultancy, DTH, Gas, Media, and Bangladesh Defense-Government sectors.
Under the umbrella of MNC, Large Local, and Consulting Organization, we covered nearly all sectors at the corporate, manufacturing, upcountry, and international levels.
Want to take this consulting service forward?
Please direct your communication at the below cited email and/or phone to explore how we can add value to your organization.
+880184 10 10 200
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