Smart Job Design

A key challenge for CEO and CHRO now.
Position is created in the organization based on judgement, past pattern and ABP. – A real confusion.
Scientific design is much needed. – Here we are.
Designing Job – scientifically rightsizing the organization through analysis & development
Before beginning the process of designing jobs, intelligent organizations always strive to design their thinking.

Use fundamentals in job analysis to get its mapping right. Here organization focuses on following the areas of job analysis, the organization can anticipate the following areas where we will collaboratively work to add value.
Job analysis & its design is the fundamental of role profiling system. It’s not creating a ‘job description’, goes beyond traditional system. A job analysis & Its design broadly considers the relationships and inter dependencies associated with the job deliverables, business dimension and organizational context.
Smart organization always thrives to use fundamentals in job analysis to get its mapping right. Here organization focuses on following the areas of job analysis, the organization can anticipate the following areas where we will collaboratively work to add value.

Smart organization always thrives to use job optimization tools in job design to get its strategy to execute right. Here organization focuses on following the strategic job designing tools in smart role profile, the organization can anticipate the following areas where we will collaboratively work to add value.

An example will make this approach clearer.

A Job Analysis & Design is typically a simple piece of paper that is used once or twice a year in most organizations. After linking the job analysis & design to the strategic areas of the organization, it will be used as an input to financial success. And we will collaborate here.

Once job design is finished, intelligent organizations typically aim to make it a continuous activity.

We will collaboratively implement your organization’s job analysis & design through actionable tools,
insights and advice. And we will make certain that your headcount is appropriately sized for the
volume of current and anticipated business.
Talent Forum collaborates on HR consultancy projects for clients managed by an international consulting firm.
We worked with/delivered consultancy results in FMCG, Telecom, Banking, MFS, Pharmaceuticals, e-Commerce & Logistics, Development, Leather, Food, Textile, RMG, RMG Accessories, Technology, Construction & Building Materials, Conglomerates, Property & Hospital, Consultancy, DTH, Gas, Media, and Bangladesh Defense-Government sectors.
Under the umbrella of MNC, Large Local, and Consulting Organization, we covered nearly all sectors at the corporate, manufacturing, upcountry, and international levels.
Want to take this consulting service forward?
Please direct your communication at the below cited email and/or phone to explore how we can add value to your organization.
+880184 10 10 200
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