Individual Focused Career Counselling

Individual Focused Career Counselling
Career counseling is more than just a speaker’s story and a Q&A session with the participants; it is a scientific behavioral / leadership choice, approach, and application that will enable you to be sustainable in the corporate sector in the long run.
You’ve been to a lot of Career Counselling seminars, but Talent Forum stands out by creating a path for an individual to make a career choice, career approach, and career application. Talent Forum will not advise on what to do, but rather on how to do it.
After taking career counseling, Talent Forum will enable:
How you should map –
- the career pathway down the line of 5 years?
- the context of your successor organization?
- to get your first promotion within the organization?
- to change your JD if promotion doesn’t take place?
- to retain / adjust yourself under adverse situation?
- to incorporate yourself into the talent/succession management loop of your company?
- to make yourself aligned with company strategy/annual business plan?
- to adapt yourself to change the management of your company?
- to overcome the mid-career crisis?
- to adjust with workplace culture, value & ethics religiously?
- to boost competencies for upgrading yourself in your work place?
- the factors will enable you to realize “this job is or is not for you”?
- to get your first job at MNC?
- to become Manager within five-seven years?
- to avoid conflict and to disagree in the workplace?
There are major dilemmas and controversies at work that need to be handled subjectively and tactfully. Talent Forum will provide you with a custom solution to liberate your mental process and will help the individual become situationally grounded.
To get a tailored made path, strike on the degree to make balance of the following dilemmas and controversies for an individual.
- Priority: Company Vs. Boss
- Motivation: Salary Vs. Workplace Culture
- Progression: Position Vs. Salary
- Balance: Innovation Vs. Control
- Weightage distribution: Formulation Vs. Execution
- Job output: Performance Vs. Potential
- Reward: Financial Vs. Non-financial
- Job perspective: Project Vs. Operations
- Work perspective: KPI Vs. JD
- Office location preference: Upcountry Vs. Factory Vs. Corporate
- Job location: Onsite Vs. Online
- Job time balance: Meeting time Vs. Worktime Vs. Team supervision time
- Reporting structure: Direct Vs. Dotted Vs. Matrix
- Office entry timing: Flexible Vs. Strict
- Dress code: Flexible Vs. Strict
- Career with the company: Start up Vs. Growth Vs. Matured
- Weekend: 1 Vs. 2 Vs. 3
- TA / DA: Fixed Vs. Variable
- Salutation to Sr.: Sir Vs. Mr. Vs. Bhai Vs. Name
- Culture for MNCs: Global Vs Local
B2C clients will have a new experience simply by doing things smartly.
We worked with/delivered consultancy results in FMCG, Telecom, Banking, MFS, Pharmaceuticals, e-Commerce & Logistics, Development, Leather, Food, Textile, RMG, RMG Accessories, Technology, Construction & Building Materials, Conglomerates, Property & Hospital, Consultancy, DTH, Gas, Media, and Bangladesh Defense-Government sectors.
Under the umbrella of MNC, Large Local, and Consulting Organization, we covered nearly all sectors at the corporate, manufacturing, upcountry, and international levels.
Want to take this consulting service forward? Please contact us to know more.
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