Applied HRBP

The need for Human Resources Business Partnering – HRBP is enormous, and we, at Talent Forum, do not believe it is necessary to address any theory and the need within the scope of our services to linger on this service scope indefinitely. Rather, we intervene and redesign the existing way of work, apply cross industries practical experience to create a gateway of business partnering, which is referred to as the Talent Forum service scope.
HRBP- engaging HR in business to make sound HR decisions
The fundamental exercise in getting the HRBP implemented is job design. It goes beyond the traditional system and does not create a ‘job description.’ This design broadly considers the relationships and inter dependencies associated with the business deliverables, business dimension, and organizational context.
Smart organizations always strive to use fundamentals in job designing for HRBP. Here, the organization focuses on the following areas of job design; the organization can anticipate the following areas where we will collaborate to add value to formulate HRBP.

Smart organization always thrives to use job optimization tools for HRBP. Here organization focuses on following the strategic job designing tools in smart role profile of HRBP, the organization can anticipate the following areas where we will collaboratively work to add value.

To create an HRBP model, the organization focuses on the following areas. Refer to the first column for an ideological breakdown of HRBP. When there is a competency gap and budget constrain, however, HR functions can be divided to serve a single function—see the second column.

To excel as an HRBP, the organization focuses on the written partnership agreement with the concerned department and raises awareness among the employees of the concerned department.
Following the expected deliverables from the position of HRBP. Here organization focuses on following the strategic job deliverables, the organization can anticipate the following areas where we will collaboratively work to add value.

Clients will have a better experience simply by doing things differently—the way world leaders do it.
We will collaboratively deliver HRBP solutionthrough actionable tools, insights and advice.
Talent Forum collaborates on HR consultancy projects for clients managed by an international consulting firm.
We worked with/delivered consultancy results in FMCG, Telecom, Banking, MFS, Pharmaceuticals, e-Commerce & Logistics, Development, Leather, Food, Textile, RMG, RMG Accessories, Technology, Construction & Building Materials, Conglomerates, Property & Hospital, Consultancy, DTH, Gas, Media, and Bangladesh Defense-Government sectors.
Under the umbrella of MNC, Large Local, and Consulting Organization, we covered nearly all sectors at the corporate, manufacturing, upcountry, and international levels.
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Please direct your communication at the below cited email and/or phone to explore how we can add value to your organization.
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